Eye fatigue: how to protect your eyes?

Eye fatigue is a common phenomenon even among people with perfect vision. How should we deal with this problem? What are the symptoms and how to treat them? In this article, we explain its causes and the solutions to implement.


Eye fatigue occurs when our eyes are exposed to excessive use. It manifests itself through pain in the eyes. Tension builds up and brings discomfort and heaviness. Symptoms will manifest themselves through:

  • Irritations
  • Itchy eyes
  • A burning sensation or dry eyes
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Headaches

The causes

The causes are as follows:

  • Screens and smartphones are harmful to our eyes due to blue lights
  • Tobacco abuse causes visual impairment
  • Obesity promotes hypertension, diabetes
  • Long-term driving
  • Too much brightness like the sun due to ultraviolet, indoor light
  • Working conditions where the eyes are put under a lot of strain

How to protect our eyes?

For people who spend their day in front of screens, we recommend wearing glasses with the anti-blue light option to protect your eyes. In addition, it is important to take breaks of a few minutes by looking away.

Some additional advice: keep your distance from the screen; lower the brightness; have a healthy lifestyle by favoring products based on vitamin A such as vegetables, dairy products, oily fish, etc.; be monitored by an ophthalmologist.

Pay attention to your eyesight!

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